
The List

I’ve been purchasing things for my boys for a while now for Christmas. I learned after a while that leaving everything until the last possible moment is a bad idea. Last year I had fun and went a month early, even did Black Friday and did 32 hours of uptime after a large dose of

ho ho ho

When the Oatmeal talked about what things never need to be photographed, one of them was the idea that you don’t really need to take a photo of yourself in the bathroom. I have a slight disagreement with that. Back when I was working in Phoenix making greeting cards, I was able to make my

Pipe Wrench

When I was at the ACE Hardware getting glass and I see this magnificent pipe wrench that was three feet in height. I can only imagine how many people need a wrench that’s this large. FYI: It’s $300.

Neat trick

Stare at the center for 30 seconds. A good hard stare at the center. Then immediately whip your head and look at your hand. You might want to hold up your hand and look at it.

Got a car.

I purchased a car on 10.10.10. This is my first ME car in nearly 7 years now. The last one died on 12.24.03. It’s taken me a while to get a new one, but the price of this car in comparison to the shuttle ride is just insane. I’d be better off just driving back

Happy Dick Cheney

This old friend of mine from high school has this image as her avatar. It’s her dog naturally, but I can’t help notice that the dog is making Happy Dick Cheney face.


My son has been wanting  a Hot Rod, or if you wish Rodimus Minor, it wasn’t until the summer at some toy fair that we, learned about Hot Rod getting a toy that was pretty much long over due. Yesterday I had dinner with my Aunt. Afterwards since she lives in Sierra Vista it was

Monkey Lovin’

Yesterday, it was my turn to get the boys. Take Lucian to get his six month checkup and then get Melissa. There she had a monkey hand puppet thing. Five monkey faces on a yellow hand base and the only thing I could think of was that this hand puppet was five monkey lovin’.