
Trying something new.

This is new, I’m still having trouble with Movable Type on my server. I might have to actually contact my hosting company about this little problem. This is a real pain in the ass. 

Dad’s Pain in the Neck

My dad had surgery. His two big neck arteries are clogged, one was above 90%. Just fucking filthy. So dad went in yesterday to get that one artery cleaned out. He’s also on day 37 of not smoking. For a guy who has been smoking cigarettes for about 36 years. That’s pretty good. So anyways,

Batman Gotham Knight

Batman Gotham Knight was something else to watch. I wasn’t expecting it to be basically one long story broken into six parts, 9 if you count the first story. The first story really sets everything up, the feel the vide and everything else. You start off with a story about what different people see when

Server Error 500

Nothing like having a constant Server Error on this system that doesn’t allow me to update the blog that easily. So right now I have to figure out a way to get everything to work simple. Of course it might be a pain in the ass that I have to deal with on the level

Something Special

Right now my son is watching Lupin the 3rd, DeadorAlive. Naked with a glass of milk and some sliced turkey. He’s just really comfortable. 

SMS and driving.

This is a guy driving and SMSing on the freeway. Which is pretty hard to do normally, but in Indian, they prefer to do it on a motorcycle, while laying down on the motorcycle.

Best Reasoning of Batman Ever

There have been tons of reasonings as to what Batman is and why he does what he does. David Brothers at the 4th gives the best explanation as to the real reasoning why. I think it fits everything together so well that it should be the primary reasoning now. 

Aces, Curse of the Red Baron

I had a conversation with Larry Young(the proud papa of AiT/PlanetLar) last week in a thread of upcoming comics. In this thread, Larry mentioned that Aces, Curse of the Red Baron was coming out and no one had told him. It seemed like a book that had some promise and it was nice that it

Chocolate News

Chocolate News is a new news show that is from the black prospective coming in October from Comedy Central just in time for the election. Chocolate News.  Is going to be an interesting addition the other shows that Comedy Central has produced. I like shows likes these because they offer some insight. What kind is dependent on