
Best Ad Campaign EVAH!!!1!1111

The following are ads for the new Hellboy movie. They might be some of the best that I’ve seen in a long time. James Lipton just seal the deal with “BOO-YAH!” “Hellboy Inside the Actor’s Studio”: “Hellboy audition”: “Hellboy & Chuck 1”: “Hellboy & Chuck 2”: “Hellboy PSA”: “Hellboy on American Gladiators”: “Hellboy meets the

Super Chuck Norris Bros.

Someone is obviously batshit insane to create this game. I’m also sure that Chuck Norris will win this game just by looking at it. Chuck Norris isn’t meta so Chuck can’t play with himself without the universe collapsing on itself.

And It Happens Again

It has happened again. I always get these weird charges on my phone bill. Last month it was 7 – 7 calling and Push2Talk. It actually happened again this month. Also today happened to be day that maybe my SIM card has died. Or it could just be the phone. I hope it’s not the


There is this program that someone wrote that enables the motion sensor in the MacBook to relay to this program the sounds of the lightsaber. It’s pretty brilliant. I’d even wager that it’s pretty fucking scary to know that someone dug that deep to write this program.  I just hope that no one has dropped


Oh no, Fake Steve Jobs is in trouble. 

AppleInsider | First iPhone 3G reviews via the WSJ, USA Today and NY Times

AppleInsider has a few overviews of the new iPhone 3G. So far the same things that I’ve been worried about it are present. After the Steve effect, I’ve been rethinking about getting an iPhone. Really rethinking the whole idea. About two weeks ago I was already popping song down for possible ringtones. Now that the sobering

Club Camera Tucson

I’m a member of the Club Camera of Tucson. They need an overhaul of their website. I might want to try and re-do the site and call it a loss on my taxes. The site looks like hell. It’s old boxes and has a few no-nos in the terms of web design. It could be better. there

On to thing that explode

I really couldn’t think of something witty to talk about so things that explode seems like something should cover the cost of the post. Fuck it the magic is lost. 

The Middleman

So, let’s talk about something important today folks, the Middleman. The Middleman is the guy saves the world from the weird. He also has a new hired named Wendy Watson. Together, they save the world and talk really fast.  In someways it reminds me of the witty banter of Hudson Hawk. Without the use of

The Machine Girl

Ok, so Machine Girl is a Tokyo Pop movie. This is basically a Japanese Troma Film. Actually Tokyo Shock movies are better budgeted than Troma films. It has girl with a machine gun arm, track suit ninjas and horrible special F/Xs that make this a glorious movie. I was originally going to let Dev watch