G.I. Joe Collectors Club releases a figure with membership. This years figure was Cross Country, the driver for the HAVOC. The body is retooled from other figures with a new head and vest. The head is great and the vest is magical.
The head is sculpted with look more like the second season of G.I. Joe cartoon from the 80’s. Instead of the round butter face the original figure had. The figure even had a mullet. Yeah, a goddamn mullet. A great attention to detail that Boss Fight Studio is known for doing when they are hired to make toys.
Now the real thing that shines is the vest. The vest has revolver gun belt sculpted into the vest that hangs over the leg. Now the back has a strap empty hole area that could have been overlooked, but BFS, just added the detail and it’s small, but when you notice it, it’s magical.