Hell, MT is so far been a really huge plus in terms of creating sites. I don’t dare use the word blog with MT. I’ve found that you can do so much more with the software. Academic use for educational discourse is a huge plus. Now later this month, MT is releasing MT4.3 and later, later, later will release 5.
Now the performance upgrades from 4.1X to 4.2 were astronomical, but with the inclusion of Motion 4.25 became the bear in the room since it hosed the PERL module on hosted servers. I hope that with 4.3, that “feature” isn’t something that we have to worry about anymore. Though the press release does state a “significant performance… improvement.”
One can only hope with that means.
What’s even better, is that I with 4.3 being released in the summer time, it allows the University that I work for to make an upgrade to the 4.3 software. Which is always a plus.
Movable Type announces 4.3 upgrade on the 29th and MT 5 in the “future.”