Casey Ontiveros: October 2008 Archives

What a bunch assholes

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A bunch of fucking assholes. People who are so blind. The idea of reading and thinking for themselves is beyond comprehension. A veiled hint, not so subtle really, of racism and bigotry. 

When the lady yelled about Ayers, she forgot to mention McCain and Keating or Palin and the Alaskan Separatist who were going to get face time at the UN from Iran. 

31 Years

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I turn 31 today. It's a big age. Means I'm safely an adult now. Not that I'd admit to very often. I prefer to be a big kid. Means my mind stays fresh. And I hope not to run out of ideas. 

These people share my birthday. 

Ryan Reynolds (32) 
Jessica Stroup (22)
Cat Deeley (32)
Steve Wilder (38)
Brooke Theiss (39)
Augusten Burroughs (43)
Weird Al Yankovic (49)
Sam Raimi (49)
Nancy Grace (49)
Dwight Yoakam (52)
Ang Lee (54)
Michael Crichton (67)
Baby Jane Holzer (68)


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This is what I did at work. I promise more scenes in the future. 

Photo 9.jpg

Venture 2 fer

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Because it is that day, the day when the offices are being shuffled around for about a month, I found two video clips that I want to post that pertain to the best show on the planet from 11:30 to midnight on Adult Swim, the Venture Brothers. 

The first one is a an Ode to Henchmen and the Second is from Dragon Con '08. 

Jon Says It Best

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Jon always says it best.


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I've been hesitant to getting a new phone lately, the influx of new phones has been so great that the tech is getting better and the price is getting lower. So now Motorola is coming out with it's own HTC Touch only faster, better and cheaper. 

I just hope that it's going to come out on the AT&T network, or I'm going to have to hold off and jump networks. 

Lucian the 3rd

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Photo 7.jpg

Right now Lucian is watching Lupin the 3rd: The Castle of Cagliostro for the 5 billionth time. He might be one of the few American children who knows Lupin the 3rd. He wanted to be Lupin for Halloween before he thought it would be better idea if we were Batman and Robin together. 

As you can see in the background, there is a Totoro, another favorite of his, bank and Speed Racer, he prefers the old cartoon to the movie, on the wall. 

The Joys of Working From Home

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My son isn't feeling all that good. He came home early today. This is him asleep. 

Photo 6.jpg

Naked Man from Spain

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A naked guy from Spain jumped into the Imperial Palace most in Japan. 

naked guy running from the cops

Putin: Judo Expert

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Pulin the PM for Russia is a Judo Black Belt who has recently released a DVD. No, I'm not fucking with you today. Yes, he did. 

Putin was head of the KGB and was stationed in Germany. Part of the KGB training was to have perfect accents so their agents could blend in and not be noticed where they were stationed. Almost like in the movie with Chevy Chase and Dan Akyrold, Spies Like Us. 

Palin Land

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There are people out there who walk into Graceland and think it's pure class to live in such a wonderful place. Most people in the world would walking and think it's tacky and gaudy, even people from immigrants from South of the Border with pink walls and Jesus everywhere. 

There is another group of people that are out there that think Sarah Palin would make a great VP and possible President. They too live a small bubble in the world that is perfect except for anyone who isn't part of the American Race. 

This is what it feels to walk into Palin Land. A place where anything that is of intellectual value is shot down in favor of Maxim, Bibles and television. Where honest emotions are mocked from people who aren't part of their Palin Land. 

They say they love their neighbors, but they didn't mean all of them. 

Family Guy - I Dream of Jesus

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One of the best part of Family Guy this past week. 

Batman and Son

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I'm going to be Batman on Halloween. It's been dictated by my son. I shall be Batman and he shall be Robin. This Halloween is going to be Batman and Son. I shall place the images up when that happens. 

Three Mile High

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There was this fire that happened when my family and I were at the grocery store. Didn't think about it. Those things happen, even when there were three fire engines heading through the red lights. Those things happen. Someone fell down and couldn't get up. After we left the store, I smelled that someone was getting high. All I could see in the well lit parking lot were three kids sitting down, in what looked like a smoking circle. Ballsy is what my wife called them. Moronic was what called operative word. We drove by them, they were sorting parts for their skateboard. The smoking was coming from something else. Three fire trucks. Three fire trucks driving recklessly. A drug house went up. Tons of pot went up in smoke. And everyone was reaping the benefits. Us and fast food places in the surrounding area.

Friday 10 - 03 - 2008 RoundUp Road Rash

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It's Friday and we all know that means is paychecks, hookers, whores, booze, birthdays and for me shuttle rides. Just the shuttle ride for me. It's the back and forth game to Phoenix again. 

On the plus side when I get to Phoenix, I get to watch Iron Man. On the downside it's going to be all by myself as my wife does some babysitting. Which might be OK, since she already saw it and maybe my son might like the movie enough. If it has the big booms and fast thing and just not that much in the way of "boring."

You can only hope in these matters. 

Another plus side is going to be listening to Yesterday's New Qunitet, which really isn't a jazz quintet, but one guy, Madlib, who played all the instruments and then decided that he was arrange everything later on. He does so with a great deal of brilliance. If you're thinking Kenny G is jazz, be glad this is just a post that you're reading and not an honest face to face conversation, I might have to beat you senseless. This is more like fussion be-Bop jazz done in the 70's with enough jazz to make it laid back with an edge. 

Obviously it was done this century, but it has those sensibilities. 

The birthday is an old friend new, celebrating another birthday. 

The hooker and whores a fabrication, I just like those words. 

The paycheck is next week. 

Next week plus one is when I'm broke again from paying all the bills. 

New Hand

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I get to try my hand at WordPress themes over the next few days. So far they are a tad easier to create than the complete sites that are promised with Moveable Type. WordPress has tons of resources on hand to guide you, and sometimes pimp slap you with how to create themes. Moveable Type, I really wished had more. What they do have is vague and not helpful at all. 

Vanilla is a start, but to have page generation is what would be helpful to creating a new site. Especially with regards to creating sites for faculty and e-portfolios for faculty and staff. 

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