Casey Ontiveros: September 2008 Archives

Pedobear is watching you in Japan

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The Pedobear is going to watching you in Japan now. While you do your bad thing, it will be at the local arm machine. Waiting for you to be a pedo and then. We'll get the man pop up and take you to the joint where you'll be the school girl that you so desperately wanted. 


FIAT 500

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Fiat is going to place out a limited edition Nuevo 500 with a Lupin the 3rd drawing from Monkey Punch. For those that aren't in the know, Lupin the 3rd, the gentleman thief is the grandson of Lupin, who's had used in his own adventures used the Fiat 500, a car that made it's debut in 1957. Like the Mini Cooper, the 500 is trying to make a comeback. Truth be told, I like the 500 over the Cooper. 

My son likes it better too. The above image is the wonderful car that Lupin has used in the past. 

I lost a Coke to a Bee

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I wish I was able to lie and say that a million bees swarmed down and took my coke from me, they needed the carbonated, carmel caffeinated, high fructose corn syrup to save their hive, but no. It was one lonely bee who decided that it wanted my coke, and I hate killing things. 

I was eating lunch with my friend and coworker Mike. We went to the 3 Cheese and a Noodle, the campus run Italian place. It's not bad, it isn't horrible, but it's pretty much like eating Italian food from a local fast food joint. It's passable as food. 

So we eat outside. It's nice today. It's been across between wet and sunny. For a few minutes, the clouds come in a sprinkle us before the sun follows it drying it all up. Rinse, lather, repeat. We sit outside and a few bees want some free lunch. We move, 50 feet away. Another bee comes up to us. Trying to figure out what Mike is and his giant hat, the meds that he's on makes him sensitive to the sun. And then it tries to figure me out before it sees/ detects the coke. 

It flies to the coke and start to hover around it. In it's own language of movements and hip shakes, it was telling me, "FOR I, THE POLLENATOR OF WORLDS, SCION QUEEN BEEZANDRATITIES THE GREAT HAVE, NOUGAT! CLAIM THIS NECTAR OF THE METAL GIANTS! TRY TO FREE IT AND IT WILL COST YOU YOUR LIFE!!!" It flew into the cups, out of the cup and into.

It was having sex with the cup. 

Mike left the table to go inside. I wanted to follow, but I wanted my coke. I waited for the bee to fly completely out before taking the cup. Nougat followed. Warning me again of my sudden death if I didn't release the coke. I was calmly tying to explain that I purchased the coke and didn't want to kill the bee over a coke. The bee didn't want to leave the coke without a fight. 

I left the coke on the table and went inside. 

The bee took my coke. 

The Great Shelp

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Pass it along. 

The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.

Katana Khaos!

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Here is an old item. 

Shipping Home

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Shipping Containers to be used as homes.  This idea is the brain child behind this guy who saw these ramshakle town and decided there was a better way. 

This is one of the most disturbing things that I've ever seen

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I've been on the internet for nearly 13 years now. In that time, I've seen a lot of freaky and quite frankly, scary shit. Pictures of giant spiders, goatse, tub girl, I've even seen what a lemon party is, but this is hands down the worst thing that I've seen. 

And it's going to be the crux of the boneheaded moves that the BushAdmin has done over the last seven years. The only thing that could possibly trump this is the Aide package to bailing out the greedy financial market that has made it a point to give each other pats on the back to the tune of several million dollars of a failing company leaving their employees in the wind. 


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I saw this guy today after lunch, At first I thought it was just a guy wearing a big hat on his head. 

Nope. It was his head. 


The Waldo Ultimatum

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You can't tell me that you wouldn't watch this in theaters either. 


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The Governator knew Chong. More importantly knew Chong's bong. 


Schwarzenegger: I Hit the Bong with Chong (Exclusive)

Leachman kicks ass

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Any of you who have seen Young Frankenstein know Cloris Leachman. She's 82 and is on Dancing with the Stars, I saw the clip this morning. I don't like watching those shows and this clip is making me borderline want to beat myself with a rubber hose, but here Leachman is going all out for this routine. My god, between her and Ernest "I mastubate a lot" Borgnine, old people have been rocking the world. 

Lucian - Sunday Morning Cartoons

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As it has been since the dawn of Lucian's awareness of cartoons, we've pretty much have been stuck on the Disney channel in the morning. Today I tried something different. We turned on PBS. 

Thomas was the crack that allowed up to start this up. It was our introduction drug. Our gateway. Then he saw a commercial for Curious George and then it was on to watch Clifford the Big Red Dog. 

I think he's actually bored with Clifford. I'm getting bored with it too. 

Lupin 3rd

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Here is an interpreation of the Lupin the 3rd Theme by the Pizzicato Five. 

Cutting Corners

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I've been cutting my own hair for the last few months. Since I like my hair short, it works for the best since I can use clippers. It's been for the best since I finally noticed how my hair is thinning. The back of my head and the front left side towards the front. Which might be the worst place to thing since it isn't in a uniform place. I don't mind losing my hair(that's a bold face lie), I do mind looking like a bowling ball ball. I started to shave my head to save some cash, and plus I don't see much of a point of paying someone to cut my hair when it's falling out by myself. I use three settings, 2, 4, 8 or I like to think of it 2 to the third power. HA HA HA HA HA! 

Shut the fuck up. 

Morgan Stanley is Looking Out for Our Children

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Morgan Stanley is looking out for our children. With the way the economy has gone as of late, I wouldn't be surprised if people from companies like Morgan Stanley start living with their clients.  It also has the creepy Italian guy from EuroTrip. 

Fun fact, Amy Poehler is one of the creators of The Mighty B. She's also the voice of the main character. 

Star Wars Return of the Jedi : A question

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I know a lot of people start to talk about the Jedi movie being the start of the fall of these movies. Which is pretty true. Ewoks taking down the Empire is pretty bad, but here is the question that's going to bake your noodle; How bad must the Rebels be if they can be someone who was beaten by giant teddy bears?

Speed Racer ReDux

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I purchased Speed Racer this morning. I didn't have a chance to watch it until Lucian got home. Just like when I saw it in the theater, it made me feel like a five year old on a candy binge. The electric lights and loud noises only wanted me to turn the volume higher. It was visual audio crack. 

I was hooked to the entire movie. Every long scene. Everything was a wonderful little second.

It got to the point where my son and I were sitting in the same position. My wife started to laugh at the wrong place. I looked at her and she pointed out that he and I were sitting in the same position. There we were glued to the television. Five feet from each other and just looking like Forrest Gump and junior watching television. 

I don't know what it is, but watching Speed Racer makes me smile afterwards and like the world is all right. 

Mach 5 Service Station

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Speaking of Speed Racer, Japan has opened up a Mach 5 service station. Which is pretty awesome. I'm sure if my son knew about this, he'd make me drive to Japan to get gas. Yes drive across the ocean, he's three. He has no concept of how large the world is yet. 


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Speed Racer came out this morning. I took out my son to get a copy. When we found it, he told me that he didn't want it. We drove the entire way home with him saying that he didn't want it. When we got home. he didn't want to get out of the car, since he would have gotten back into the car anyways, he's smart like that. When Melissa got into the car so he could go to school, he's three, but it's more like daycare/day school. He wanted the movie to take with him. 

Fighting Male Pattern Baldness

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As what I said about the hair loss thing that's happening. Well here is an update. My wife told me about this shampoo, it' suppose to help to reverse the hair loss process. Instead of watching me shave my head, she got the shampoo. 

In about a month, there should be some signs of growth happening. Right now my trouble spots are back of my head and left side towards the front. 

It is time to fight baldness.

Gym Fun

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I was at a kid's birthday party it was at a gymnastic studio. This huge warehouse of a place that had floors that felt like every step made you jump a few extra  inches. It was awesome. I wanted to play with all the kids, but I didn't want to be the only adult playing a kid. 

I took off Lucian's shoes. And left him go off with the kids. He wanted to go outside. He didn't want to go on the trampling floor. He just want to go. After I took him to the bathroom. He started to look at the kids some more. The fun they were having and after telling him he had to take his shoes off to play. He started to come around and wanted to have fun. 

Then about ten minutes after starting to play, he started to slink away. TO start having fun with the other places that he saw the kids playing. The giant pit of foam squares. 

At this point in time I took off my shoes to started to get Lucian out of the pit. Then I started to go with Lucian to keep him from wandering around again. 

Look Dracula

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It's Dracula!

At leas how I'd picture a modern day dracula.  Actually it's the chief from Lehman Brothers.

Stormtroopers Invade America

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Last night it was a cliché. It was a dark and stormy night. Before the storm started, the clouds that rolled into Tucson looked like Star Destoryers from Star Wars. Huge long clouds that hide the giant ships as they dropped in from space. I got my younger brother outside to check them out. 

I then had him imagine the what the ships would look like as they came into the view of people after dropping hard from the sky. A giant flaming cloud that would dissipate to show a giant ship with thousands of smaller ships just flying out of it. At this point most people would just shit themselves and run inside. 

My brother said it would be time to get the guns out. I asked what good would that do when they have blasters. Then we talked about them sweeping people out of homes. 


"Who's there?"

" ->click<- Mail service. ->click<- "

Long ago

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Long ago in a world far, far a away in a magical time place called the 90's, when the internet was a magical place. Blogger was the first blogware around. Blogger was still it's own type of company and even Google wasn't a twinkle in the eyes of a couple of high school kids trying their hand at musical piracy. 

In 1997, I had a blog. 

Over the years, I've kept a blog in one form or another. Never really committing to it. I'd get excited for a while then take a fukitol and quit it. Over the last few years, I've actually kept up with it. 

I'm also pretty happy with Movable Type now. I was on Textpattern for almost four years. It's a good blogware, but after a while I wanted something different. Something a little more. That's when Movable Type revamped themselves and went OpenSource. 

I was till leary of WordPress. I tried WordPress years ago and it the backend made my eyes cross. It was to much at the time. I do have a site that runs WordPress and it's good. A lot better since it went 2.5. I almost would choose WP over MT, since WP runs fast than MT. MT was being a dog with it's 4.1 and just taking to much cpu power. Now with 4.2, it runs faster, looks better. 

WP is still faster, but I like the feel of MT. 

Anyways, I guess that makes me an OldBlogger. And here is the obligatory stupid pseudo-gang sign photo. 

Photo 93.jpg

Mexican Candy

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I had a great grandfather(paternal) that was named Mexican Candy. No one really knew his real name, they all called him Mexican Candy. He was weird guy. So weird that when people talked at Christmas time, they talked about his strange antics. He use to pack-mule to Springerville, not in any related to Jerry, and this would take a couple of weeks. 

Why they called him Mexican Candy, I need to ask about. I'm sure there is a story. Like my maternal grandfather is called Chevy. He was almost the family Chewy. Instead he's Chevy. 

So Mexican Candy would cut off the tales of donkeys that wouldn't move or listen. Which is a just a strange thing to do in any time. 

My dad was in the hospital for a while. His bed mate was a rep from his home area. He didn't know that my dad was related to Mexican Candy until he saw my grandfather Birdy. Then as my dad said, "he wouldn't shut the fuck up about him."

I dare you to tell me of a relative that has a cooler nick-name than Mexican Candy. I dare you. 

Things never happen like you think it will

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When I was younger, I told virtually all my ex-girlfriends and even my wife, that if I went bald I'd do it with dignity and never do a combover or try to put off the inevitable by using those creams that keep my hair. I'd just keep it close cropped around the sides and proudly show off what nature has in store for me. And never, ever do the combover. I was saying this because mainly my dad, grandfather has a full set of hair. My maternal grandfather didn't lose his hair until her was closer to his later fifties, early sixties. 

At best I was boasting that I was someone who would walk with their head high as I aged. In my mind, it was a statistic, and those never happen to me. 

Now I'm thirty and am seeing signs of thinning hair at the monk spot, I'm starting to rethink my stance on those vanity creams for hair. Really rethinking it now. I don't mind the idea of going bald, but not right now. 

I'd never stoop to a combover, those look ridiculous and never get why people do them to begin with. Nothing like looking like a seventies lounge lizard/pedophile. OIly and slithering to everything with tits and hips, the suit of aged on. And the combover that complete this little ensemb, perfectly and meticulously spread over the scalp. The body hair slowly creeping out of the suit. Almost as if at will, trying to head to the head for make the combover look natural. 

I've noticed that my head is getting a bit oily. And when I look at it with a mirror, it was tanned. TANNED! Your head should be white. A place that, despite being the closest to the sun, unless your a pornstar, should be the whitest thing on your body. It's tanned and it's freaked me out a bit. 

Vetting Sarah Palin

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2008-09-03-NotVettingSarahPalin.jpgLeave it to the people are MAD Magazine to create something like this poster. Mad has harnessed the world of the interweb and created their own Political Headquarters. 

A Cat 5 Shit Storm

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D'Israeli is doing Torchwood

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D'Israeli is doing Torchwood. I hate that I live in the US and can't see this awesome stuff being produced. 



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This giant robot spider was seen just sitting on a building. Waiting for it's time to strike.


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I use to have this service for about a minute before I didn't want to pay for it anymore. Then I got lured back by 75 free songs. I've been getting complacent with music lately, listening to the same thing over and over again and not hearing anything new. That shouldn't be part of life. Doing the same thing over and over again. 

There are things that should be discovered and hear. New sounds that move us in directions that we didn't think was possible. A good song with make you fall in love. A great album will make you fall in love, break your heart, get married, have children and die. Not in that order, but pretty damn close. 

Back to eMusic... it's a shot in the arm that I've needed for a while now. 

PWNED! Bottle rocket and testicles

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Science can be an interesting thing. You can learn about it anywhere. Classes are generally the best place to learn of it, but sometimes, real world can be a hell of a teacher.

Balls Owned By Exploding Bottle Rocket
Not that I think this kid ever really had a shot of encountering a vagina in his lifetime, now if he does there will be no chance at procreation. Which is a good thing.
Get humor videos at NothingToxic

ABC Family

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I don't know what it is, but ABC Family seems to be the slowest loading site on the internet. I've  gone to the site in IE, Safari(Windows and Mac), Firefox, Opera  and CHROME. It takes for ever to load on all these browsers, what the hell ABC?

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