Casey Ontiveros: December 2008 Archives

Jonny Crossbones

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Sometimes, you have to hate people. It's not out of spite, but jealousy of their style. That's my feelings on Les McClaine's Jonny Crossbones. It's a wonderful story of adventure. The only downside is that it's the reason why there haven't been more Middleman stories out. 

You might call it a rip on TinTin, but you my loyal readers would be a wrong. The only thing that it shares in common is the clear line style that Hergé made popular so many years ago. That clear line is the bees knees and this all age story makes me happy that once Dark Horse collects this, I can be proud to show on my shelf next to the Middleman series that I have in my collection. 

Of course there is a lot of similarity to Hergé's TinTin in terms of the lettering. Lots and lots. 


Of course it helps a lot that his Gretchen Fiveash looks a lot like my wife that it makes me like the comic even more. 

Read Jonny Crossbones, and when it comes out in a dead tree edition, purchase it, incase you missed the second chapter of the story. Since Les McClaine's deal says that he has to keep one month up at a time except for the first chapter of the story, we miss things if we start up late. 

Every guy gets like this...

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Especially when they have to wait those fucking three LONGEST minutes known to man. I've seen non-smokers turn to cigarettes waiting those minutes. 


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Warren Ellis over at Whitechapel has this thing where he spits out a character from public domain every monday and offers a remake/remodel the character. The last two were good and I was lazy, but I swear to whatever, I had something Domino Lady, I just never really drew it. This time around it's SpaceHawk. No other name. Just SpaceHawk. 


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Lil' John and Lazy Town Mashup. It's awesome. 



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As I get older, I start to wonder if I should stop looking for new music. I know that sounds really odd, stop looking for music. After a while though, I start to feel like a dirty old man listening to new music. Maybe I should start sliding down the dial to truly boring people's SMOOTH JAZZ. 

I look at the people for the radio ads on television and would never believe that anyone would ever admit to owning up to listening to the station unless they were being paid. Smooth Jazz stations are stations that employers make their employers listen to so no one gets offended. 

I can't do smooth jazz. Instead, I'll have my over the ear headphones on my head listening to these new bands that come out. Being one of those well preserved guys listening to music getting long looks from people half my age trying to figure out of I'm a lecherous old man trying to get into a girls pants. I'm just there for the music. 

I have a confession by way of an admission

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I have no clue how to shop gifts for other people. When I shop, it's generally based on functionality. "What do you need?" It's a basic premise that makes life easier. You get things you know they need, or books if they are young, and that solved problems. 

Unfortunately for me, my wife likes to make jewelry. Necklaces, bracelets and once in a blue moon earrings. Which is great and all, but when you get someone presents like that, it seems to lose it's meaning. You're getting someone something that they are going to turn around and sell. 

And I won't do gift cards. I find those things to be absolute hell. They are the lazy person's way of getting around thought. Unless you really don't care about the person, then it's perfectly fine. 

There needs to be a mindfulness about what to get. The perfume she really wanted, I picked that up for her 30th birthday. Getting another would be pointless. She doesn't want or need anything else from those lotion places in the mall(the name escapes me at the moment). 

I would, but I don't really care to do it this year is get her a movie set. I did that for the last four years. I don't want to do it again. She won't let me shop for clothes for her(I think she fears that I might get her something that's really for me to enjoy(not to wear, but clothes that are listed on the five minutes to naked list)).

The functional is out right now. Movies are a no-no this year and so is lotion stuff. I won't do a gift card, even though a $50 to Starbucks would help her out, and clothing isn't an option unless she's picking out. 

I hate buying presents. 

Say what Apple?

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You tell us that the ads on television aren't lying, but we'd be fools to trust them. Which is it? Do we trust in a commercial, that tell us, from the manufacturer that it's product is twice as fast at half the price, or do we trust the manufacturer that the ads aren't really all that truthful. 

What else do we have to second guess? The OS isn't all that easy to use? The computers that you tout are green, are really green on the inside, and not safe to the environment that you claim they are? 

Don't get me wrong, I love Apple. I've been purchasing them constantly for the last 12 years. But as I've noted, there seems to be some disconnect lately with Apple and quality. 

Kissing a fool

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I'd like to say the head was a fool, but it's actually the dummy.

Of Montreal and eMusic

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Of Montreal - Skeletal Lamping, so rich, so textured and in a good way. Everything is brought together for this rich lush sound. 

I had trouble getting this album. My eMusic connection crapped out and the temp file expire after a few days. I was lucky that eMusic allows you to re-download tracks you've already downloaded for free. So it took me a few hours to realize this little feature. 

I started this album, and the music is a combination of David Bowie, Prince, GLAM ROCK with a hint of awesome all placed onto this album(you have no idea how hard it's not to write CD).

Each of the tracks seem to ease it's way into the other. It's an opera of music.

Duh! Economy DUH!

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For ages, we've been in a recession. I've known it, you've known it and up until very recently the government is FINALLY starting to admit to it. They've used the term, downturn. We've been in a recession since DECEMBER 2007! Most recessions only last nine months, this one is suppose to go until the middle of next year 2009, if not longer. 

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