March 2009 Archives

Wrestler At His Day Job - Fight Evil

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We all know that the masked Luchedore is one of a proud tradition of where to earn shame is to lose their mask. This also extends to the real world outside of the ring where they have to sometimes have to work in a cubicle to earn their paycheck. 

Here are the staff photos that need to be taken for their official company badge. The first photo was the best photo taken and used for the badge. The photographer couldn't understand why the Luchedore could take a serious photo.  Unfortunately, the photographer couldn't understand that this was a serious pose.  


Take 3

Take 27

And of course the day job that they have to have to meet day-to-day needs, child support and alimony payments to their wive that also get padded so they won't tell the world their secret identity to the world. Thus thrusting them in to shame. 


All photos taken by the grand genius Gary Mackender.

Vision Thing

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I have this vision thing with my left eye. If I cover my right, not close, but cover, my left will get the weird distorted blur where everything starts to pull really far away. It's a strange sensation to see everything pull away from you at a creeping speed. 

MT 4.25

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It's a final release now. I'm wondering if I should install it. 

Art School

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I never went to art school. I thought it was basically kids getting back at their parents. Unfortunately for me, I've been told I'm talented. Or at least incredibly visual. 

I stayed away from Art School. Except for the class that I took and had what I called an easy 'A.' I bullshitted a lot in that class. Even the professor knew it. But he knew that I was able to bullshit it convincingly. 

Instead I received a degree in Political Sciences, which when it comes down to it, it's getting back at a nation. Your parents, your friends and your country. It's a huge "fuck you" to everyone and everything. 

At least it wasn't Philosophy, which makes Poli-Sci seem like a degree in a hard science(I actually wanted to get a bachelors in Planetary Sciences). When it comes down to it, a Poli-Sci degree is like an extended high school diploma, you still need more classes to get a real degree that can be useful. 

Father Guido Sarducci has a pitch on why you should be an artist. I wish You Tube and the internet was available about 12 years ago. It might have helped me to head to art school. Where I'd be in a mock turtle neck, sleeves of tattoos, a string of ex-girlfriends who are now all girlfriends while I'm drowning in sorrow in my whiskey painting abstract breast of my past girlfriends. 

Time to make the doughnuts.

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I've started on a site design. It's about time that I made one for this site instead of using the default themes. 

And I will make it iPod Touch/iPhone easy. 

Drag Me to Hell

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Oh god, Sam went home. Sam went home. 

And just a quick FYI, if you're on a Mac, it won't show up so follow the link. 

Bad image Hulu

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I see this image on Hulu and I feel like I'm watching an intimate moment of a character either getting a hummer or a taking a really huge shit. Both would never be viewed on network television. Since it's Heroes I'd gander it's something shocking, like seeing two people kiss or something. 

Mexican Hell

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I have a story for you. I was talking to a friend, she's a teacher at Desert View, the same school I went to, and so did she and her sister. She's a teacher there and some of her students went to Mexico over Rodeo Break. They got drunk and stayed the night. By the end of the night one of their friends was missing. They couldn't find her. They figured that she must have gotten lucky with a guy. The next day back on their way to the border, they see her. She's sandwiched between two guys in an SUV. She has a hat low on her head. When they get to the border they tell the border agent that their friend was separated from them and is with some guys that they don't know and to make sure that she's OK. She wasn't OK. She wasn't even alive. Sometime over the night, she was murdered, gutted and then sewed up and filled with cocaine. She became luggage for some drug cartel. There are times when the notion of humanity begins to escape us mere human beings. I was talking about this and I'd hoped the girl was dead already when they gutted her. Last night my mind was already racing about what had happened to her. Almost every possible possibility that had happened to his girl. It kept me up. Then the other thing happened: I thought about her parents. Her poor parents. Something no one would every want to let anyone else's child. That person who they held a infant. Loved for years. Watched grow up. Only to end up as luggage. But if they hadn't been caught, she would have been disposed of in some ditch or another place. Her parents would have never have known what had happened. Was she alive or dead. I still can't believe what happened to her. It's troublesome.


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The real danger of an everywhere Internet, you don't know where people are when they send messages.

Notes from the desk

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Everything has been uploaded and stable. Which is nice, to be able to upload ideas at a moments notice without a laptop.


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Test MT4.24.

I ahve to say that sometimes that using beataware is pretty awesome, but sometimes, it doesn't give you the results that you really want to use. Case in point: MT4.25RC3, a great idea, but on a hosted platform, not the best place to try run MT4.25. 

At least not yet. 

So I had to downgrade to the latest MT release, 4.24. Which is a pain, I hate having to try and remember all that crap for the DB. What a pain. At least now there is a bit of stability to up post from the Touch now. 

An interesting problem

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There is an interesting problem MT4.25RC3, or maybe that's the server install where I'm at, but I keep on getting a Server Error 500 when even I try to have a proper post. It's a pain in the ass. 

I need to see why the server keeps on giving me a 500 error. 

I think it might be the Image Magick PERL module that it requires. 


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Here is a test of the release canidate 3.

iPod Touch

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This is a test for the Touch.

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